Singing Guide: Charlie Puth feat. Selena Gomez

Singing Guide: Charlie Puth feat. Selena Gomez

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a big fan of pop music, Charlie Puth is likely one of your favorite singers. He is well-known for his heart-touching, catchy lyrics, and his smooth vocal style. To learn how to sing like Charlie Puth, you first need to understand his vocal technique, which is known for its unique blend of falsetto and chest voice. With this technique, Charlie Puth is able to create some truly unforgettable melodies.

Similarly, Selena Gomez has collaborated with Charlie Puth to deliver hit songs. To learn to sing like Selena Gomez, you'll need to master her soft, sultry vocal tone.

  1. Learn to analyze your voice:
  2. Analyzing your voice is the first step to improving it. Check out the Singing Carrots article on How to Analyze Your Voice for basic vocal analysis techniques.
  3. Determine your voice type:
  4. Knowing your vocal range and voice type is very important while working on your singing. You can check the Singing Carrots article on Voice Types to learn more.
  5. Warm-up before singing:
  6. Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez sing with ease because they warm up before their performances. Check out the Singing Carrots video on Farinelli Breathing to learn how to quickly and effectively warm up your voice.
  7. Breath control is key:
  8. Breathing is one of the most important parts of singing well. Check out Singing Carrots article on Breathing Basics and Breath Support for some breathing exercises that will help improve your singing.
  9. Practice Singing Along:
  10. Start by singing along with Charlie Puth and Selena’s records. This can help you understand the basics of how to use your voice. You can find songs matching your vocal range with the Search Songs tool of Singing Carrots.
  11. Learn to sing different styles:
  12. Charlie Puth is known for combining his falsetto and chest voice while Selena Gomez is known for her soft and sultry vocal tone. The Singing Carrots article on Pop/Jazz vs Classical Singing can help you understand vocal differences.
  13. Learn vocal exercises:
  14. Incorporating specific vocal exercises on a daily basis can help improve your singing. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training course provides interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.
  15. Vocal Health:
  16. Taking good care of your vocal cords is essential. The Singing Carrots article on Vocal Health provides some useful tips on how you can protect your voice and prevent damage.

To learn to sing like Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez, you need to start with understanding their unique vocal techniques. Learn to breathe, practice vocal exercises regularly, assess your unique voice type and range, and take care of your vocal health. With determination and the help of Singing Carrots' free resources, you can improve your singing and find your own distinct vocal sound, just like Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.